Members Login
To login in to the sections of the website that are accessible to NAPAN© members only, please use the login module on the right. Please enter the Members Login ID and password sent to you by your Provincial Association upon registration of membership for the current year.
If you have lost your Members Login ID and/or password, please contact your Provincial Association by using this link: Provincial Associations and click on the dropdown menu under "Provincial Associations" to access your own province and association information.
Once you are logged in you will see additional menu items under the "Members" tab on the top menu bar that are only visible to NAPAN© members upon logging into this section.
These items include:
- NAPAN© Financial information
- NAPAN© Board meeting minutes
- Standards Resources
- NAPAN© Newsletters (complete publication)
- And any other information that may be relevant at the time, but which is not available to the general public.
This information will change and be updated on an ongoing basis, so please log in frequently to this Members-only section.
Please remember to "LOG-OUT" at the end of your session.
Thank you for your ongoing patronage.
Please note that passwords will be distributed on an annual basis upon renewal of your membership with your provincial PeriAnesthesia Nurses' association.
NAPAN© Executive and Board of Directors, 2014.
- Hits: 8139