Nova Scotia
The Association of Nova Scotia PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ANSPAN) has the following executive members:
President: Christina Hindle
Secretary: Deidra Rogers
Treasurer: Sarah White
Education: Laura Walker
President Elect: Vacant
Immediate Past President: Leigh-Anne Marshall
Keynote speaker from the 2019 conference: David
Compassion Fatigue:
- Tend Academy
- Compassion Unlimited
- CBC White Coat Black Art podcast on CF
- The Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare
- Nurse Anna Rodriguez's site, The Burnout book
- ZDogg MD's Youtube channel
- Free meditation sessions are available in all major cities. For those who live in Halifax, you can explore meditation with others through free sessions offered at no charge by the Atlantic Contemplative Centre. Session are also held the Dartmouth Community Health Centre off Main Street from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, or in Halifax every Wednesday from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, in the Great Hall, Cathedral Church of All Saints, 1330 Martello Street, Halifax, NS (Enter between the Cathedral and Dioceses Offices under the purple canopy. The hall connects the cathedral to Parkland at the Gardens)
- To explore how meditation affects neuroplasticity, see Antoine Lutz, et al , “Long-Term Meditators Self-Induce High-Amplitude Gamma Synchrony During Mental Practice,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101, no 46 (2004): 16369–16373
- Marc Kaufman, “Meditation Gives Brain a Charge, Study Finds,” Washington Post Jan 3 (2005) page A05
- Rein, Glen, and Rollin McCraty “Local and nonlocal effects of coherent heart frequencies on conformational changes of DNA ” In Proc Joint USPA/IAPR Psychotronics Conf , Milwaukee, WI 1993
We briefly mentioned treating disease with infrared light and electromagnetic fields. See:
- Doyle, Bill Treating Cancer with Electric Fields TEDMED Talk at TED com, filmed Oct 2011
- Olena Taratula et al , “Dendrimer-Encapsulated Naphthalocyanine as a Single Agent-Based Theranostic Nanoplatform for Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging and Combinatorial Anticancer Phototherapy,” Nanoscale (2015): 3888–3902, DOI: 10 1039/C4NR06050D,
The source of this light, and contemporary understandings of consciousness:
- Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose “Orchestrated Reduction of Quantum Coherence in Brain Microtubules: A Model for Consciousness,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 40, no 3 (1996): 453–480
- Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose, “Reply to Criticism of the ‘Orch OR Qubit’–‘Orchestrated Objective Reduction’ Is Scientifically Justified,” Physics of Life Reviews 11, no 1 (2014): 104–112
- “Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in ‘Microtubules’ Inside Brain Neurons Supports Controversial Theory of Consciousness,” ScienceDaily
- Stuart Hameroff and Deepak Chopra in conversation. (They also explore Near-Death Experiences and the holographic principle of the universe)
And, of course, I encourage you to explore more at my sites: Web | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Pinterest | Youtube
To contact ANSPAN, please email this link:
To join ANSPAN as a member, please use this: ANSPAN Membership Application Form
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