NAPANc at National and International Conferences
NAPAN© representatives have attended the following Provincial, National and International Conferences:
Most Recent Conferences:
May 3, 2014: Quebec PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association (QPANA) in Quebec City, QC, Canada
Left to right: Julie Landry-Levesque (member at large, QPANA); Paula Ferguson (NAPANc President), Bernard Bachaalany (member at large, QPANA), Thao Le (President, QPANA), Lucien Martineau (Conference Committee, QPANA), Lina Porco (Secretary QPANA), Linda Alexander (Treasurer, QPANA), Johanne Giguere (Conference Committee, QPANA), Anne-Aliette Imbeault (Vice-President, QPANA), Laura Van Loon (Immediate Past President, NAPANc)
ASPAN Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA: April 26 - May 1, 2014.
April 3,4, 2012: Aseptic Surgery Forum, Paris France.
NAPAN© presented a Poster Presentation (Reduction of the Incidence of Surgical Site Infections through Implementation of Standards for Practice in PeriAnesthesia Phases) at this conference. See photo below: Left to right: Laura Van Loon, Immed. Past President, Louisa Bartlett, Secretary, Paula Ferguson, President in front of NAPANc poster presentation, Paris France, April 3, 2012.
International Conference for PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ICPAN): October 2-6, 2011: Host site for the first International Conference for PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ICPAN). Go to: for more information. See also photos under "Photo Gallery", "International Conference (ICPAN) 2011 Photos".
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